The Fair Insurance Code

Mō te Rārangi Tikanga Inihua Tōtika

About the Code

Mō te Rārangi Tikanga Inihua Tōtika


The Fair Insurance Code is a code of conduct developed by ICNZ, which sets out the standard of service member companies must provide to their customers. These obligations are in addition to those imposed by the law.

The Fair Insurance Code

  • applies to all ICNZ members companies
  • applies to general insurance products, not health or life insurance products
  • describes what level of service you can expect from your first contact with your insurer
  • describes the responsibilities that you and your insurer have to each other
  • provides information on claims and complaints procedures, and
  • details how the Code is administered, and where you can turn to for more help.

Independent dispute resolution schemes apply the Code in practice. If you have a complaint about a breach of the Code, contact either Financial Services Complaints Limited or the Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman.

The most recent version of the Code came into effect on 1 April 2020. Only conduct by insurers that has happened since then can be monitored under its provisions. Older versions of the Code are available if you have an issue predating this time.

Download the Code

View a video of the Fair Insurance Code in New Zealand Sign-Language

Listen to the Fair Insurance Code audio file

Effective 1 January 2019, members of ICNZ will display the Fair Insurance Code logo on their websites and claims and complaints material for brands and products that they underwriteThe Fair Insurance Code logo is displayed on general insurance products that are sold to individuals and small businesses (entities with 19 or fewer employees).  

The logo is an assurance that the insurance company you are dealing with has high standards of service and will act honestly, fairly, transparently and with the utmost good faith towards you.

Roll out

The logo is a new initiative and to start with, you will mostly see the logo on digital material. Printed documents will be updated over time.


The Fair Insurance Code logo is a registered trade mark of the Insurance Council of New Zealand. No rights to use are granted without express permission from ICNZ.

If you’d like to know more about the Fair Insurance Code, email [email protected].

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