Ngā Kōtuitanga

Ngā Kōtuitanga

ICNZ is a proud member of The Global Federation of Insurance Associations (GFIA), with ICNZ’s CE Tim Grafton on its Executive Committee.
GFIA was established on 9 October 2012, to increase industry effectiveness in providing input to international regulatory bodies and to contribute more effectively to the international dialogue on issues of common interest.
Through its 41 member associations and 1 observer association, GFIA represents the interests of insurers and reinsurers in 64 countries. These companies account for around 89% of total insurance premiums worldwide.

ICNZ has been a supporting institution of the United Nations Environmental Programme’s Principles of Sustainable Insurance (PSI) initiative since 2012 and has also developed a 15 point action plan for better protecting New Zealand from natural disasters.
Sustainable insurance aims to reduce risk, develop innovative solutions, improve business performance, and contribute to environmental, social and economic sustainability.

ICNZ has signed the United Nations Statement in support of disaster risk reduction released at the 3rd UN World Conference on Disaster and Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan.
The conference adopted a new global framework to help governments at all levels better prepare for disaster risk and to improve the resilience of nations and communities to disasters and now includes the private sector.

The Insurance Council is a signatory to Paris Pledge for Action, which affirms our strong support for the adoption of the new universal climate agreement at COP21 in Paris in 2015.
L’Appel de Paris, or the Paris Pledge for Action, brings together a multitude of voices on an unprecedented scale within a single, collective statement:
“We welcome the adoption of a new, universal climate agreement at COP21 in Paris, which is a critical step on the path to solving climate change. We pledge our support to ensuring that the level of ambition set by the agreement is met or exceeded.”
The insurance and financial sector generally will play a pivotal role in transitioning from a high to low carbon economy. While climate change mitigation measures are critical, adaptation initiatives to reduce risk must also be taken to protect people and assets at risk.

ICNZ has formally joined a Government initiative to improve New Zealand’s cybersecurity.
ICNZ has signed up to Connect Smart, a partnership led by the National Cyber Policy Office (NCPO), part of the Department of Prime Minister, and Cabinet (DPMC), to harness the collective expertise and efforts from across New Zealand to respond effectively to the challenges posed by cyber and to take advantage of the opportunity to create a secure, trusted and resilient New Zealand cyber environment.
The insurance industry offers cyber risk insurance protection for internet and network exposures that can cover a range of matters including liability, intellectual property infringement, malicious code and viruses, business interruption, unauthorised access, theft, web site defacement and cyber extortion.