

The Government’s announcement today to review how to fund Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) will be welcome news for those who buy insurance.

FENZ is funded by a levy imposed only on people who take out insurance to protect their homes, contents, motor vehicles and other property.

“This is a grossly unfair tax that penalises people who try to do the right thing to protect their assets, lumping them with the cost of running FENZ while also supporting access to emergency services for those who choose not to insure,” said ICNZ Chief Executive, Tim Grafton.

“The Government has made the right call to review how to fund FENZ in a way that is fair to everyone, simple, low cost to administer and lines up with what happens in most other countries,” he said.

“I want to acknowledge New Zealand First and Minister Tracey Martin who have successfully argued the case to review the funding system and to the coalition Government for accepting the need to look at a better way of supporting FENZ,” he said.

“There is now an opportunity for the first time in many years to get this right.  Hopefully, all parties will support change to a fairer system.” 

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