The initial estimate of insurance claims within Aotearoa New Zealand arising from the tsunami resulting from the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Haʻapai eruption is 60 claims totalling $5,876,560.

Of the 60 claims, 49 relate to marine craft and total $1,947,282. Just four commercial damage claims account for $3,862,640. The claims are focused on the surge wave through Tutukaka marina. This resulted in several vessels being sunk, tens of boats being damaged plus extensive damage to marina infrastructure.

“While Insurance Council of New Zealand Te Kāhui Inihua o Aotearoa (ICNZ) members worked quickly to manage the situation at the marina and settle claims, our thoughts remain with our Pacific neighbours who have seen catastrophic damage which will take much longer to recover from,” said ICNZ Chief Executive, Tim Grafton.  

Like many such facilities around the motu, Tutukaka marina had cover for its assets and made having insurance cover a condition of mooring for its users. This proved especially valuable in cases where damage was done by boats that had come loose from their moorings and collided with other vessels or infrastructure.

“I’d like to thank the Northland Regional Council Harbour Master, local marina management, ICNZ’s local representative Glen Hunter Marine and the local boating community for pulling together to put things right,” said Tim.


Contact/Tukua ki:  [email protected]

Category Claims Value
Domestic 4 $53,507
Commercial Material Damage 4 $3,862,640
Business Interruption/Loss of Profits 0 $0
Marine  (including Land transit) 13 $144,490
Marine  – Trailer craft 20 $718,583
Marine  – Moored craft 16 $1,084,209
Motor Vehicle 1 $2,921
Crops 0 $0
Other 2 $1,210
Total 60 $5,867,560
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