The Insurance Council of New Zealand (ICNZ) is calling on political parties to back our volunteer and paid firefighters by funding them appropriately for their services much like the Police are funded.

The comment follows the publication of the summary of the submissions for the Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) funding review, announced by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon Tracy Martin, in March 2019.

“ICNZ supports a strong fire service that is integrated appropriately with other emergency services and properly funded,” says Tim Grafton, chief executive ICNZ.

“We have never considered that funding FENZ through a levy on insurance is appropriate and we’re pleased with the overwhelming support from the submissions for future funding to be supported by general taxation. It’s now time this was implemented.”

While ICNZ believes that the best option would be full taxpayer funding, it also supports a mixed model that includes a greater contribution from the Crown, via general taxation, combined with direct levies on property based on value or size, and motor vehicles through existing vehicle licensing methods.

“Unlike other services that help keep our communities safe, like Police, FENZ is funded by a levy imposed only on people who take out insurance to protect their homes, contents, motor vehicles and other property.

“This is a grossly unfair model that doesn’t accurately reflect the nature and breadth of FENZ’s work and penalises people who try to do the right thing to protect their assets.”

The report also identified significant shortcoming of the current funding model including:

  • Lack of universality as not every property is insured
  • A reducing connection between FENZ’s activities and property insurance as FENZ’s mandate has extended to include responses to non-fire emergencies like medical emergencies and natural disasters
  • Insured value not necessarily relating to risk that FENZ would support
  • The costs and complexities for insurers and brokers to collect the levy via insurance
  • The distortionary effects of the levy on insurance – making insurance more expensive for consumers and creating barriers for new insurers to enter the market.

“We now have an opportunity for the first time in many years to get this right.  Hopefully, all parties will support change to a fairer, more transparent and less costly system,” concludes Mr Grafton.

Notes to editors:

You can read ICNZ’s full submission here. And, a summary of all submissions made and the public hearings can be found here.

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